February 14th, 1945
A Tribute In Honor of the
80th Anniversary
This website was created by Marie Quilici Wagnon for Paul F Quilici, to remember and honor the ship he was aboard in World War II, the USS YMS-48.
The USS YMS-48 was sunk on February 14th, 1945 north of Corregidor, Philippines.
Approximate Location where the USS YMS-48 was Lost.
14.24N, 120.33E
We honor the bravery and courage of those who defend our country. Thank you, Veterans!!
Cleaning a pathway through the mines off Bataan peninsula, these hardy little minesweepers can work under severe Japanese coastal bombardment. Despite Army air cover overhead, the enemy shore guns sank the motor minesweeper YMS-48 and damaged the destroyers Fletcher and Hopewell. On the following day, a naval task group landed Army troops on the peninsula and a short time thereafter resistance ceased on Corregidor and Bataan.
Painting of the USS YMS-48, By Dwight Shepler
Paul F. Quilici, San Francisco 1945
In loving memory and tribute to all those who served and sacrificed for our country!
Dear Pop (Nonno),
Thank you for your service to our Country. We want you to know how much we love you and how proud we are of you. You are, without a doubt, the best Father, Grandfather, and Great-Grandfather in the world. We miss you so much and we love you “Big Much All The Time”
Marie & Mike
Suzanne & Brad
Ryan & Rosemary
Drew & Rachel
Alexis, Xavier, Alvino, Auroura, Aurelia,
Nazareth, McKenzie, Abigail and Brady

“Where The Fleet Goes, We’ve Been”
Call sign: November – Echo – Juliet – Hotel
YMS-1 Class Auxiliary Motor Minesweeper; Laid down, 27 June 1941 by the Wheeler Ship Building Corp., Whitestone, Long Island, New York , USA; Launched,
15 May 1942, Commissioned USS YMS-48, 14 Jul 1942, Sunk, 14 February 1945 by USS Fletcher (DD445) after being damaged by Japanese shore batteries, North of Corregidor, Philippines. Loss position 14.24N, 120.33E

Honor, Recognize, Celebrate & Inform
The United States Navy Memorial’s mission is to Honor, Recognize, and Celebrate the men and women of the Sea Services, past, present, and future; and Inform the public about their service.